How to deal with others
The problem I have dealtwith all my life is people not being on time, people not prioritizing the right things. Its crazy to see people suffering for the thigns they themselves did, they ignore their spouse and thenw onder why theyw ent away. They ignore their children while they are growing up, then later wonder…
Winter is jere
Winter is the time when people sleep late, wake up late and hence, the day starts late. This is a bigger shift than most people realize. This impacts your social media engagement. This impacts traffic on the streets. this also impacts lunch times and dinner times in restaurants. We are more than dependent on weather…
First 100s
The most difficult are the first hundreds. The first 100 thousands The first 100 customers The first hundred days after the marriage And The first 100 days after someone’s gone.
When we have nothing worth saying
What is art?
Doing it matters
Sometimes we have to just do things to get results.
How comfort screws you over and what to do about it
[pdf-embedder url=”http://zeninart.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/How-comfort-screws-you-and-what-to-do-about-it-a.pdf” title=”How comfort screws you and what to do about it a”]
End of the Year 2017
My take on the year 2017.
Daily creation – One habit that will change your life
Daily creation changed my life. Try it and see the benefit.
What is the true meaning of life – Zen In Art
MEaning of life is to serve others and make this world a better place.